Neck Pain


  1. May involve muscles, nerves, bones or disks between the bones
  2. Can result from poor posture, twisting or turning, injuries such as whiplash, fractures and pinched nerve
  3. Treatment depends on diagnosis

What is Neck Pain?

Many people experience neck pain including discomfort or stiffness in the neck and shoulders. Strained neck muscles are often caused by poor posture. Arthritis can also cause neck pain. Neck pain can also be a symptom of a more serious problem, especially if the pain is coupled with numbness or loss of strength in your arms or hands or shooting pain into your shoulder or down your arm.


  1. Muscle strains from poor posture
  2. Arthritic joints in your neck
  3. Nerve compression from herniated disks or bone spurs in the vertebrae of your neck
  4. Injuries such as whiplash or fractures from accidents or falls
  5. Diseases such as meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis or cancer.


You may experience neck pain as soreness or stiffness. If you have a fever, headache and an acutely stiff neck, or if you have shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, vomiting or arm pain or jaw pain, seek medical help immediately. You should also seek immediate medical counsel if your neck pain causes numbness, tingling or weakness in your arm, hand or elsewhere.